
DINGR.io supplements a pre-existing apartment buzzer system to enable password entry to the apartment without any mechanical or electrical alterations to the existing system.


The current forms of most apartments (10+ years old) involves an old fashion key and a buzzer/doorbell that alerts anyone that is home to unlock the door via a button inside the apartment. No safe gaurd exists for when keys are lost and no one is home.


The goal of DINGR.io is to give the apartment owner another option, another way into their home. The main system requires a simple morse-code based passcode verification implementation functional on almost any apartment buzzer system.


The system runs off a PIC32 running precompiled C code. A simple microphone circuit listens for the buzzing of the apartment doorbell. Feedback from the device regarding setup and current status of the system, is provided through a small LCD screen on the device.


A matlab script was developed to output a buzzer sound at proper morse-code timing steps or through user input. This provided, a reliable means to continuously test all corner cases of the system including: different frequency buzzers, timing schemes, and passwords.

Who we are

Three Cornell University Electrical and Computer Engineering students participating in ECE 4760: Digital System Design Using Microcontrollers.

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Cheuk Tse '17

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Brendon Jackson '17

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Joseph Featherston '17